Pastor’s Update, April 27, 2018





PRAYER AND PRAISE SERVICE AT GOLD COAST, THIS THURSDAY, MAY 3, 7 PM: The first Thursday of May each year has been designated the National Day of Prayer. This special gathering will be a time in which the Gold Coast family will come together to worship and thank the Lord for his blessings as well as pray for our community, our country, and our world. Another church in our area, Embrace Church, is going to be joining us for this hour of power and petition. Make plans to attend this special evening.


HIGHER GROUND HIKE, SATURDAY, MAY 5: A fun hike is planned in Thousand Oaks at the Los Padres Trail and Vista Loop. Along this trail, you will see beautiful wild flowers, oak groves, wooden plank bridges and scenic views of Conejo Valley. You can watch for wildlife and see squirrels, rabbits and birds. The distance is 3.4 miles and the difficulty is rated as moderate. Meet at Starbucks in Camarillo in the Las Posas Shopping Center at 8:30 am. The group will leave by 8:45 am. Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat and camera for pictures! Invite a friend or bring the family to share the experience. A continental breakfast will be served following the hike. Contact Margie Cantu at 805.660.1187 if you have any questions.


RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 4:15-6:15 PM: Sign up by either writing “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card this Sunday or contact Stuart Baker at 805.427.5528.


PRAYER FOR MISSIONS, SUNDAY, MAY 6: Please gather in the Worship Center after the 2nd service to pray for the missions and missionaries that Gold Coast supports. Contact Mike or Lynne Yeaman at or 805.331.3899 for more information.


2 GUYS NEEDED FOR AN HOUR TO SET-UP STUFF FOR BUDDY BREAK, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 9-10 AM: We need 2 guys to help set up the outside area for our one-year celebration of Buddy Break on Saturday, May 12, from 9-10 am. There will be lifting and moving some bulky items. Coffee and food will be available. We set up the outside area when the weather permits. If you can help with this, contact Tana Seufert at or 805.824.5794.


VISIT BUDDY BREAK ON OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY, SATURDAY, MAY 12: We’re celebrating our one-year anniversary in providing Buddy Break to families in our community! Buddy Break is a free respite program for families who have children with special needs. Arrange a tour during our next Buddy Break and see how we transform the church rooms into sensory, craft, activity, game, snack, and quiet rooms. You could also take a bounce in our bounce house or try out some of the activities, craft, or games that are available. You’ll get a better understanding of how we’re serving families and how much fun and fulfillment is involved. To arrange a time to visit Buddy Break, write “Visit BB” on your Connection card this Sunday or contact Tana Seufert at 805.485.5433 or


SUMMER CAMP THIS SUMMER FOR KIDS AND YOUTH AT ANGELES CREST: At Angeles Crest, the summer camp programsare an opportunity for students from any background to have fun, make new like-minded friends, explore nature and, most importantly, grow in their relationship with God. When campers aren’t in organized worship or hearing from inspirational speakers, they’re busy with tons of awesome activities like paintball, basketball, digglers (a unique cross between BMX & a scooter), Zip lining, volleyball, archery, a climbing wall, a trampoline, hiking trails, swimming, games and so much more!




THEME: ROAD TRIP: The idea of a road trip can strike dread into the hearts of most preteens.Long, boring hours squeezed between siblings. Leg cramps from a hugecooler tucked under your feet. “Holding it” longer than you thought humanlypossible. Our lives are very much a road trip.

At Angeles Crest this summer,we will travel alongside the story of a water walker, one of the first followersof Jesus – a fisherman, a truth speaker, a passionate believer, and an occasional doubter. Together, we will tap into the amazing insights of his “road trip” and how ours can be all the better.



Amberlyis a national speaker, author, and humorist with a passion for pointing preteen students to the joy found only in Christ. Amberly received her Master’s degree from Biola University. She penned Bible curriculum for students for both Gospel Light and Standard and has worked with preteens for over 20 years.Amberly is a wife, the mom of two teenagers, the Program Director at UCYC (a Christian camp in AZ), a complete goofball, and a lover of all things Star Wars. She is excited to take your students and leaders on a “Road Trip” through the amazing story of Peter.


WHO? Grades 3rd through 5th


HOW MUCH? $320 IF REGISTERED WITH A $100 DEPOSIT AND PERMISSION SLIP BY MAY 20.Cost is $335 after May 20. Balance is due Sunday, June 17.


QUESTIONS?  Call Sharon Wilson at 805.204.8644




THEME: ROAD TRIP: Our lives are very much a road trip. At Angeles Crest this summer, we will travel alongside the story of a water walker, one of Jesus’ first followers – a fisherman, a truth speaker, a passionate believer, and an occasional doubter. We’ll tap into the amazing insights of their “road trips” and how ours can be better.


Josh is a powerful communicator. He is also a husband, father of 3 girls and one son, while planting and pastoring Hosanna City Church in Cathedral City, CA. His vision is to see people far from God come to know Him and make Him known. In his free time, he enjoys the simple pleasures of fishing, camping, hiking, coffee, and when tacos are calling, Pastor Josh is answering.

WHO? Grades 6 – 12


HOW MUCH? $320 IF REGISTERED WITH A $100 DEPOSIT AND PERMISSION SLIP BY MAY 20. Cost is $335 after May 20. Balance due: July 1


QUESTIONS? Call Christian at 541.601.7131 or Sharon at 805.204.8644


NINOS DE BAJA SPRING TRIP, MAY 18-20: This is a weekend of serving the amazing kids of the Ninos de Baja orphanage in El Porvenir, Mexico. Come change a life – it will probably be yours. Estimated cost to be determined, about $100. A passport is required. Go to the table in the lobby this Sunday to sign up. If you have any questions, contact Mike Yeaman at or Lynne Yeaman at


3RD SATURDAY SERVE DAY, SATURDAY, MAY 19: Here is your opportunity to do various service projects for seniors, disabled residents, and under-resourced families on the 3rd Saturday of most months. Projects are based on those who sign up. If you are interested in participating, go to the Welcome Desk this Sunday, fill out a Serve Day form and turn it in. Contact Darrell Foote at or 805.660.3061.


101 CLASS, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 4 TO 6 PM, YOUTH ROOM: OurDiscovering a Church Family Classprovides information on what we believe, church membership, and more! Sign up by writing “101 Class” on your Connection Card or go to the Welcome Desk in the lobby this Sunday. Contact the church office at or 805.485.5433 if you have any questions.


SERVING OPPORTUNITY, COMMUNION CLEAN-UP TEAM: Do you attend the 10:45 AM? Consider servingon the Communion Clean-Up Team once a month (the 2nd Sunday) for about 30 minutes. For more information, contact Lynn Knuth at 805.443.4471 or


STEPHEN MINISTRY:In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring. To find out more about receiving a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card and place it in the offering basket this Sunday or call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.



Sunday,April 29                  2 Sam. 4-5; Ps. 139; Mt. 16

Monday, April 30                  2 Sam. 6; 1 Chr. 13; Ps. 68; Mt. 17

Tuesday,May 1                   1 Chr. 14-15; Ps. 132; Mt. 18

Wednesday,May 2             1 Chr. 16; Ps. 106; Mt. 19

Thursday,May 3                  2 Sam. 7; 1 Chr. 17; Ps. 2; Mt. 20

Friday,May 4                        2 Sam. 8-9; 1 Chr. 18-19; Mt. 21

Saturday,May 5                   2 Sam. 10; 1 Chr. 20; Ps. 20; Mt. 22

Sunday,May 6                     2 Sam. 11-12; Ps. 51; Mt. 23


EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: LOOKING FOR A JOB/CAREER? Lance Cooper works at one of the nearby bases and asked me to pass along the news that the base has jobs they are needing to fill! Check out the following: or Send your resume to this email:  If you’re interested, please contact him to get some tips and information. He has some good experience with how the DOD HR works and what kind of resume styles they prefer.  In addition, he has some experience with resume and career planning and he’s offering to help in that regard as well as providing help in career transition or advancement strategy.


THIS SUNDAY we continue our new series of messages through the book of Hebrews which we’re calling Jesus >.  Hebrews is all about how much Jesus is better and greater than anyone or anything that has ever come before him as well as anyone or anything that comes after him.


We’ll unpack Hebrews 2:5–18, in which we see Jesus as the multifaceted messiah.You’ll be encouraged as we discover the several roles he plays in our lives that make all the difference! This is going to a great day to invite others to join you at Gold Coast.


Love you guys,
