Friday, June 7, 2019

THIS SUNDAY, we continue our series “The Gospel According to Joseph.” We’ll learn some invaluable lessons from Joseph about FORGIVENESS.  In preparation, you can read Genesis 45:1-18; 50:15-21.


Did you know that within psychology, the subject of forgiveness is relatively new, having emerged as a research focus only in the later 1980’s? Robert Enright, Ph.D., is a professor of educational psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a licensed psychologist, and the founding board member of the International Forgiveness Institute, Inc. and pioneered the social scientific study of forgiveness.


Enright gives different reasons to forgive: to repair relationships, to grow in character because it can help one become a better person, to exercise goodness as an end in and of itself regardless of how others react to one’s offer of forgiving and to become emotionally healthier.


“According to researchers at Erasmus University carrying a grudge can weigh you down—literally. The researchers asked study participants to write about a time when they’d experienced a conflict. Some were instructed to reflect on a time when they didn’t forgive the offender, others were told to think about the time they did forgive the person, and a third group wrote about a comparatively dull social interaction. They were then given a small physical challenge: jumping five times, as high as they could, without bending their knees.”  


They then asked their human guinea pigs to jump as high as they could, five times, without bending their knees. Those who had been thinking about a time when they’d forgiven jumped highest, about 11.8 inches on average; those who had written about their grudges, on the other hand, jumped 8.5 inches. There were no significant difference in the jumps of those in the non-forgiveness and neutral conditions. In another, similar experiment, people who’d been set up to think about a time they held a grudge estimated that a hill was steeper than people who were thinking about a time they forgave someone.


The results suggest that the “weight” of carrying a grudge may be more than just a metaphor. The lead researcher for the study wrote, ‘A state of unforgiveness is like carrying a heavy burden—a burden that victims bring with them when they navigate the physical world. Forgiveness can ‘lighten’ this burden.’” (Melissa Dahl, “Holding a Grudge May Literally Weigh You Down,” Science of Us, 1-9-15)


It’s worth pointing out that thousands of years before psychologists figured out the importance of forgiveness, God was teaching about its importance and benefits through the life and example of Joseph! This Sunday we’re going to see so much from God’s word on how we can extend forgiveness to even those who have done horrendous things to us. It’s going to be a rich time in God’s word and in his presence. I believe there will be significant breakthroughs for many. You don’t want to miss it. Invite someone to join you!


THE HUDDLE, SATURDAY, JUNE 15: Men, let’s meet at 7:30-9:00 am on the 3rd Saturday of each month here at the church. Plan on good conversation as we discuss the most important attributes men need to survive in today’s modern world. This month bagels, cream cheese, pastries, and coffee will be available. Donations are accepted. Sign up at the table in the lobby this Sunday or online. Contact Louis DeLuca if you have any questions at [email protected].


HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE GRAD?  Receiving a diploma from high school or a degree from college this year? We would like to honor you in an upcoming service. Please let us know by Sunday, June 23rd. Write your name, school, and type of degree on your Connection Card this Sunday or send your information to [email protected] or call 805.485.5433.


NINOS DE BAJA SUMMER MISSION TRIP, JUNE 15-21: Ninos de Baja is a small orphanage in Baja. Come spend a week serving some amazing kids and change some lives, including yours. Cost is estimated at $250/person. Final payments are due on June 9th. Sign up at the table in the lobby this Sunday. If you have any questions, contact Mike or Lynne Yeaman at [email protected].


MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY: An opportunity exists to join our Worship Service Team as one of our Worship Service Assistants. A background in Stage or Production Management would be helpful.  If you have a servant’s heart and your gifts include being organized, observant, assertive and tactful please contact Pat DeRemer at: [email protected].


NEW START TIME BEGINNING AUGUST 4TH FOR THE 9:15 AM SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP TIME: Starting August 4th, Sunday morning service times will be at 9:00 am and 10:45 am.


SAVE THE DATE: Gold Coast’s20th Anniversary Celebration takes place on Sunday, September 15. Plan now to be there. It’s going to be extra special.



Friday              June 7            Ecc 4-6; Ps 18; Eph 3

Saturday        June 8             Ecc 7-9; Eph 4

Sunday           June 9             Ecc 10-12; Ps 94; Eph 5

Monday          June 10           Song 1-4; Eph 6

Tuesday          June 11           Song 5-8; Phil 1

Wednesday    June 12           1 Ki 12; 2 Chr 10-11; Phil 2

Thursday        June 13           1 Ki 13-14; 2 Chr 12-11; Phil 3

Friday             June 14           Ki 15; 2 Chr 13-14; Phil 4

Saturday        June 15           1 Ki 16; 2 Chr 15-16; Col 1

Sunday           June 16           1 Ki 17-19; Col 2


Can’t wait to be with you, worshipping together, on Sunday,
