THE YOUTH MINISTRIES’ YARD SALE IS TOMORROW, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 7 AM TO 2 PM, 1831 CAMINO VERA CRUZ, CAMARILLO: This garage sale raises funds for our Student Ministries’ YWAM Missions trip. Stop by tomorrow, browse and head home with some new found treasure!
LAST MINUTE DONATIONS: Donated items can be dropped off tonight UNTIL 8 PM TONIGHT,Friday, April 20. If you have any questions, call Sharon Wilson at 805.204.8644.
ANNUAL LADIES’ SPRING CONFERENCE & LUNCHEON, SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH FROM 10:00 AM TO 2:30 PM… DEADLINEFOR TICKETS IS THISSUNDAY, APRIL 22: The theme of the conference this year is “Discover Treasures in Our Trials.” The speaker is Kristy Marcotte, from Saddleback Church. DJ’s Catering will provide lunch that features lots of gluten-free choices. To learn more about Kristy, go to her website at Ladies are being sought to host and decorate a table for eight. Cost is $35 per person.
Please be sure to fill in your registration form and sign up at the Women’s Ministry table in the Gold Coast lobby on Sunday. Make check payable to Gold Coast Church and mark it Luncheon ($35). You can also pay in cash or go online to make your payment. Any questions? Call Lynn Knuth at 805.443.4471 or email her at [email protected].
NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND PRAISE SERVICE AT GOLD COAST, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 7 PM: The first Thursday of May each year has been designated the National Day of Prayer. This special gathering will be a time in which the Gold Coast family will come together to worship and thank the Lord for his blessings as well as pray for our community, our country, and our world. Another church in our area is going to be joining us for this hour of power and petition. Put it on your calendar now and make plans to attend this special evening.
HIGHER GROUND HIKE, SATURDAY, MAY 5: A fun hike is planned in Thousand Oaks at the Los Padres Trail and Vista Loop. Along this trail, you will see beautiful wild flowers, oak groves, wooden plank bridges and scenic views of Conejo Valley. You can watch for wildlife and see squirrels, rabbits and birds.
Distance: 3.4 miles Difficulty: Moderate
Meet at Starbucks in Camarillo in the Las Posas Shopping Center at 8:30 am. The group will leave by 8:45 am. Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat and camera for pictures! Invite a friend or bring the family to share the experience. A continental breakfast will be served following the hike. Contact Margie Cantu at 805.660.1187 if you have any questions.
RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 4:15-6:15 PM: Please sign up by either writing “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card this Sunday or contact Stuart Baker at 805.427.5528.
PRAYER FOR MISSIONS, SUNDAY, MAY 6: Please gather in the Worship Center after the 2nd service to pray for the missions and missionaries that Gold Coast supports. Contact Mike or Lynne Yeaman at [email protected] or 805.331.3899 for more information.
VISIT BUDDY BREAK ON OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY, SATURDAY, MAY 14: We’re celebrating our one-year anniversary in providing Buddy Break to families in our community! Buddy Break is a free respite program for families who have children with special needs. Arrange a tour during our next Buddy Break and see how we transform the church rooms into sensory, craft, activity, game, snack, and quiet rooms. You could also take a bounce in our bounce house or try out some of the activities, craft, or games that are available. You’ll get a better understanding of how we’re serving families and how much fun and fulfillment is involved. To arrange a time to visit Buddy Break, write “Visit BB” on your Connection card this Sunday or contact Tana Seufert at 805.485.5433 or [email protected].
NINOS DE BAJA SPRING TRIP, MAY 18-20: This is a weekend of serving the amazing kids of the Ninos de Baja orphanage in El Porvenir, Mexico. Come change a life – it will probably be yours. Estimated cost to be determined, about $100. A passport is required. Go to the table in the lobby to sign up or go online. If you have any questions, contact Mike Yeaman at [email protected] or Lynne Yeaman at [email protected].
SERVING OPPORTUNITY: Do you attend the 10:45 AM? Consider servingon the Communion Clean-Up Team once a month (the 2nd Sunday) for about 30 minutes. For more information, contact Lynn Knuth at 805.443.4471 or [email protected].
STEPHEN MINISTRY: In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of caring in a Christ-like way. To find out more about receiving a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card and place it in the offering basket this Sunday or call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.
Sunday, April 22 1 Sam. 25, 26; Ps. 63; Mt. 9
Monday, April 23 1 Sam. 27; Ps. 141; 1 Chr. 9; Mt. 10
Tuesday, April 24 1 Sam. 28, 29; Ps. 109; Mt. 11
Wednesday, April 25 1 Sam. 30, 31; 1 Chr. 10; Mt. 12
Thursday, April 26 2 Sam. 1; Ps. 140; Mt. 13
Friday, April 27 2 Sam. 2; 1 Chr. 11; Ps. 142; Mt. 14
Saturday, April 28 2 Sam. 3; 1 Chr. 12; Mt. 15
Sunday, April 29 2 Sam. 4, 5; Ps. 139; Mt. 16
THIS SUNDAY we begin a new series of messages through the book of Hebrews. We’re calling it “Jesus >”. It’s a book of contrasts, demonstrating how Jesus is better and greater than anyone or anything that has ever come before him as well as anyone or anything that comes after him. Jesus is superior, preeminent and God’s final word. It’s not surprising that John Owensaid 300 years ago: “No doubt the Epistle next in importance to Romans is this to the Hebrews.”We’re going to tackle 1:1 through 2:5. You might want to read it in preparation for our time together.
Love you guys,