Archives: Sermons
12.01.19 TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK (The King’s Speech- Part 6)
Dec. 1, 2019: The King’s Speech- Part 6
11.24.19 TO TELL THE TRUTH (The King’s Speech- Part 5)
TO TELL THE TRUTH (The King’s Speech- Part 5) Matthew 5:33-37 WHAT ARE OATHS AND VOWS? Oaths: Statements that guarantee our truthfulness Vows: Promises WHY DOES JESUS SAY NOT TO MAKE THEM? The importance of Truth and Integrity: 1. We’re always before God and accountable 2. There’s no distinction between secular/sacred
10.20.19 HAPPY ARE THE PERSECUTED (The Upside-Down Kingdom-Part 8)
PERSECUTION THEN AND NOW: Physical, Legal, Career, Social CAUSES OF PERSECUTION: Persecution You Bring on Yourself 1 Pt 4:15 Persecution You Take for Jesus Mt 5:10; Col 1:24; Gal 6:17; Ac 5:41 HANDLING PERSECUTION: EXPECT IT- It comes with the territory Mt 5:11; Jn 16:33; 2 Tm 3:12; Mt 10:22, 24; Ac 14:22; Phil 1:29 … Read more
10.13.19 HAPPY ARE THE PEACE MAKERS (The Upside-Down Kingdom-Part 7)
PERSECUTION THEN AND NOW: Physical, Legal, Career, Social CAUSES OF PERSECUTION: Persecution You Bring on Yourself 1 Pt 4:15 Persecution You Take for Jesus Mt 5:10; Col 1:24; Gal 6:17; Ac 5:41 HANDLING PERSECUTION: EXPECT IT- It comes with the territory Mt 5:11; Jn 16:33; 2 Tm 3:12; Mt 10:22, 24; Ac 14:22; Phil 1:29 … Read more
10.06.19 HAPPY ARE THE PURE IN HEART (The Upside-Down Kingdom- Part 5)
Happy are the Pure in Heart (The Upside-Down Kingdom- Part 5) October 6, 2019 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” -Matthew 5.8