10.10.21 Growing Up Spiritually (Vision and Values – Part 7)

Growing Up Spiritually

October 10, 2021

(Vision and Values – Part 7)

“Gold Coast exists to build a community which proclaims the gospel of Jesus by loving people into the Kingdom of God, training disciples to make disciples, growing people into spiritual maturity, and transforming our world through personal renewal.”

The goal of spiritual growth: To become mature, like Jesus

It’s not about how much we know; it’s about how much we obey

It starts with obeying what we already know

It’s a never-ending process

The stages of spiritual growth:

D ead

I nfant


Young Adult

P arent

The Ingredients of Spiritual Growth:

Truth: God’s Word

Trouble: God-filtered situations

Team: God’s people


What’s your next step?