THIS SUNDAY we conclude our Relational Wisdom sermon series from the book of Proverbs by looking at being, knowing, and doing.
John Piper says, “When the Bible says in Proverbs 4:5, “Get wisdom, get insight,” it does not mean, “Go to school, take more courses.” Moses taught that wisdom consists in knowing and doing the commandments of God. Deuteronomy 4:5–6 says, “Behold I have taught you statutes and ordinances, as the Lord my God commanded me that you should do them . . . Keep them and do them; for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples.”
Jesus said the same thing about his own words, “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon a rock” (Matthew 7:24).
This is what we’ve been seeing through this series: godly wisdom is knowing and doing God’s Word. As we know and do God’s Word, we become truly wise.
This Sunday we’re going to see how knowing, doing and being/becoming are each a part of how we grow as disciples of Jesus.
SUNDAYS IN DISCOVERY COVE (Gold Coast’s Children Ministry): 9:15 AM Service: birth to 5 years old are in the preschool room; 10:45 AMService: birth to 5 years old are in the preschool room and kindergarten to 5th grade in the elementary room.
YOUTH RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6: Meet at the church at 3:45 pm, then drive over to the Rescue Mission to serve. Return to Gold Coast Church by 6:30 pm. Contact Christian Schaefer in the Youth Room this Sunday or Stuart Baker at 805.427.5528.
HIGHTIDE YOUTH GROUP: Hightide meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room for middle and high school students. Middle school also meets most Sundays starting at 10:45 am in the Worship Center and are dismissed later to the Youth Room. Questions, contact Christian Schaefer at 541.601.7131 or [email protected].
LIFE GROUPS START THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 16: The primary purpose of LIFE Groups is joining with other believers and doing life together in community. It’s where we connect and assist one another in our faith journey. See a list of groups in the bulletin on Sunday. Contact Darrell Foote if you have any questions at 805.660.3061 or [email protected]. SIGN UP for Life Groups at Go to the “Get Connected” tab and click “Sign Up.”
STEPHEN MINISTRY: In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring. To find out more about being trained as a Stephen Minister or to receive a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card and place it in the offering basket this Sunday or call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.
ALL CHURCH PICNIC, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, FROM 12:30-4:30 PM AT CAMARILLO GROVE PARK– (6968 E. Camarillo Springs Road in Camarillo) food, fellowship, games, FUN! Get your tickets (and some for your friends) this Sunday. Go to the table outside on the patio on Sunday, go online, or see the insert in this Sunday’s bulletin for all the info and sign up by September 23rd.
ONE WORSHIP SERVICE, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 10:00 AM: Please make note that our regular Sunday morning service schedule will be suspended that day.
FATHER AND SON CAMP AT ANGELES CREST, OCTOBER 5-7: There are so many things coming against men and boys of faith in today’s world. We need to not only survive – but thrive! While connecting and having a blast together, both you and your son will discover solid biblical principles on how to survive and thrive in your walk of faith. And dad, come learn more about how to be a Godly example with your son as you bond with him over the weekend.
Every generation (sons, dads, and grandfathers) are welcome.
DATE: October 5-7, 2018
TIME: Check-in and registration is on Friday evening from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The camp concludes on Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.
COST: Dads – $155
Jr High/High School Sons – $125
Elementary Age Sons (Kindergarten and up) – $115
PRAYER TIME EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: You’re invited to Sunday morning Prayer Time from 8:30-9:00 am in the Youth Room every Sunday! Come for a couple of minutes or stay longer. This is open to everyone! Prayer cards with suggested topics will be available – you can pray aloud or silently. You can contact Anne Romero if you have any questions at anne2grace@gmail.
“ONE CITY- ONE CHURCH” SERVE DAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 9 AM TO NOON: Gold Coast is joining other churches in our area to serve the people of Oxnard through the love of Jesus. Last year’s first event of its kind proved to be a powerful experience and display of unity in the name of Jesus and this year’s event promises to be even greater! Put it on your calendars and plan now to be a part of it!