THE ANNUAL OXNARD CHURCHES SERVE DAY IS TOMORROW, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 9 AM TO NOON: Gold Coast is joining other churches in our area to serve the people of Oxnard through the love of Jesus!
The following are areas you can serve in during that 3-hour time period:
Neighborhood/Alley Cleanup, Beach Cleanup, Sack lunch distribution, Homeless Care Kit Distribution, Shelter Care Resources (Foster Kids Fest), Prayer Team (Levite Ministry), Structure Painting, Flower Distribution, Water Distribution, Beach Cleanup, Gabriel House Cleanup, Convalescent Home Visit, Coffee Outreach and Laundry Love.
As you can see, there’s a place for every Christ-follower to serve that day so please put it on your calendar and plan to take part in this important experience.
Last year’s first event of its kind proved to be a powerful experience and display of unity in the name of Jesus and this year’s event promises to be even greater!
Below you will find some general information regarding tomorrow from Pastor Darrell:
Meet at New Life Community Church, 1251 N Rice Ave, Oxnard
8:00 am – Bagels & Coffee (optional) in the outside patio area
8:45 am – The sanctuary will open for the worship & welcome (no drinks or food in the sanctuary)
9:00 am – Worship & Welcome (appx 20 minutes)
9:20 am – Meet those leading the various projects and get instructions/directions in the outside patio area
9:30 am – Head out to the various worksites
12 Noon (approximately) – Projects will conclude (some may end earlier)
Important information:
- They are now expecting over 1000 volunteers, so things are going to be a little hectic, so please be patient and flexible!
- Parking will be a challenge! So if you plan to be in the sanctuary by 9 am, you probably should be arriving at the church no later than 8:30 am.
- As we move out to the patio area to meet with leaders and get instructions/directions, there may be too many volunteers for some of the worksites and not enough for other worksites. If you are feel comfortable in switching to another project, that would be fine.
- Remember that many of the projects will be outside – you may want to wear sunscreen, a hat and bring some water (though probably some of the worksites will have water).
- Please dress appropriately for the project you plan on doing!
If you’re serving on the alley clean up team, please wear long pants, good covering shoes, and bring gloves if you can.
If you are doing beach clean-up, you may want to bring gloves and bring a few large trash bags (though I think trash bags will be provided).
One place has light maintenance needed – if that’s your thing.
Some of the give-away ministries being bi-lingual is helpful (or you’ll be teamed with someone who is bi-lingual).
You may be able to car pool with other people on your team that is going to a worksite – or you may want to drive.
Some of the ministry outreaches may end earlier, some may go a little longer.
Always remember:
You’re serving Christ as you serve the people or the ministry!
You are being a channel through which God’s love can flow!
Christ came to seek and to save the lost, to be a ransom for all who would receive Him – you are His hands, His feet & His voice on Serve Day (and every day)!!
If you ordered a T-Shirt, I’ll have it for you and be out in the patio area by 8:30 am on Saturday.
If you have questions about your specific project, please send them to me and I’ll do the best I can to answer them.
Looking forward to a great day – and may God receive ALL the glory and praise!!
If you have any questions, please text or call Darrell (805-660-3061).
THIS SUNDAY we continue our series of messages on shocking statements made of Jesus by looking at Mark 10:17-27. In the passage, even Jesus’ closest friends and disciples were amazed by what he said and they had some serious questions for him about it. I encourage you to read the passage and come prepared to dig in as we tackle this teaching together. This would be a good Sunday to invite a friend to join you!
TAKE THE MATTHEW 25 CHALLENGE…LAUNCHING OCTOBER 22… Experience God’s Word in community through a week-long daily text challenge. Connect with brothers and sisters around the world living in poverty. You’ll hear more about it on Sunday!
Join us for a Fall hike! There are sweeping grasslands, prominent ridges and peaks like Lizard Rock. The hike will take us up to Paradise Falls that plunges 40 feet into a large pool surrounded by beautiful landscape.
Distance: 2.8 miles Start Time: 8:30 am
Difficulty: Moderate End Time: 11:30 am
Meet at Starbucks in Camarillo at the Las Posas Shopping Center. We’ll be leaving for Thousand Oaks by 8:45 am. Bring good hiking shoes, sunscreen, water and a camera for pictures!
Invite a friend or bring the family along to share the experience. A continental Breakfast will be provided after the hike along with snacks and drinks.
Contact: Margie Cantu at [email protected] or cell 805.660.1187.
RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, FROM 4:15-6:15 PM: Sign up online at or write “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card this Sunday. Contact Stuart Baker at [email protected] or 805.427.5528, if you have any questions.
STEPHEN MINISTRY: In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring. To find out more about being trained as a Stephen Minister or to receive a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card and place it in the offering basket this Sunday or call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.
PRAYER TIME EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: You’re invited to Sunday morning Prayer Time from 8:30-9:00 am in the Youth Room every Sunday! Come for a couple of minutes or stay longer. This is open to everyone! Prayer cards with suggested topics will be available – you can pray aloud or silently. You can contact Anne Romero if you have any questions at anne2grace@gmail.
Friday October 5 Est 3-8; Lk 18
Saturday October 6 Est 9-10; Lk 19
Sunday October 14 Neh. 11-12; Ps. 1; Acts 3
Monday October 15 Neh. 13; Mal. 1-2; Acts 4
Tuesday October 16 Mal. 3-4; Ps. 148; Acts 5
Wednesday October 17 Job 1-2; Acts 6-7
Thursday October 18 Job 3-4; Acts 8-9
Friday October 19 Job 5; Ps. 108; Acts 10-11
Saturday October 20 Job 6-8; Acts 12
Sunday October 21 Job 9-10; Acts 13-14