Pastor’s Update, November 16, 2018



SERVE DAY, TOMORROW, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17: Camarillo Grove Park was hit hard by the fire.The Parks District is needing volunteers to pack sand bags to protect the trails in preparation for the rains that will be coming.


Our original 3rd Saturday Serve Day project got postponed and so this is going to be our new project! Pastor Darrell will be there. You do not have to stay the whole time. Pertinent information below:


When:  Saturday, 8 am to 3 pm


What to bring:  Wear protective clothing & shoes and bring shovel(s), gloves, hat & sunscreen (optional). Masks will be provided (if needed), snacks and water. There’s a rumor that there might be pizza for lunch.


Project:  Filling sand bags and placing them at various places on the trail.


THIS SUNDAY we wrap up our He Said WHAT?, the message series in which we’ve looked some of the shocking and difficult statements of Jesus. We’re going to look at the parable Jesus tellsabout the kingdom of heaven, recorded in Matthew 20:1-16. The story is about workers doing differing amounts of work and how they are compensated. In some ways, what some get for their work doesn’t seem fair. How do you respond when God doesn’t seem to be fair? I encourage you to read it beforehand and come ready to dig in.


PRAY FOR ELEANOR REYNOLDS: We prayed for her and her parents, Craig and Emily, last Sunday in our services. Eleanor is in critical condition at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Please hold them up in prayer before the Father.


ONE COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE A WEEK FROM THIS SUNDAY, ON NOVEMBER 25 AT 10:00 AM: The Sunday after Thanksgiving, let’s join together for one worship service at 10:00 am. (Our regular schedule of Sunday morning worship times of 9:15 and 10:45 will be suspended on that day).




Mark your calendars now!


ADVENT DEVOTIONAL GUIDE AVAILABLE THIS SUNDAY: This 30-day devotional will help you journey through the upcoming Advent season. Pick up a copy in the lobby on Sunday. (One devotional booklet per family, please.)


CHRISTMAS DECORATING AT GOLD COAST FACILITY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27: Help set up Christmas decorations at the facility starting at 12:30 pm. Sign up by writing “Decoration” on your Connection Card this Sunday or sign up on our website.


MEN’S BREAKFAST & TOOL EXCHANGE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 8:30 TO 10:00 AM:  Take advantage of this EOO (excellent outreach opportunity)!  Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. who need Jesus and/or a church home to join you. In addition, it promises to be a great time for fellowship, being encouraged and challenged in your spiritual growth, and enjoying a good breakfast! $5 per person or free to first time guests. Sign up at the table in the lobby by the Welcome Desk this Sunday or go online. Contact George Garcia at [email protected] or 302.8475, if you have any questions.


LADIES’ COOKIE EXCHANGE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 4 PM, 751 BIG HORN CT., CAMARILLO: “‘Tis the season to be sweet, so bring 4 dozen of your favorite treat!”  Ladies, this is a fun and non-threatening event to invite and bring other women to who don’t yet know Jesus and/or have a church home! RSVP to Margie Cantu at 805-660-1187.


NINOS DE BAJA SHOEBOXES & MISSIONS TRIP: It’s time to donate filled shoeboxes for the children of Guadalupe Valley in Mexico for Christmas! Last year, there were 1,700 children at the event. Boxes and lists are available in the lobby. RETURN DEADLINE IS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25. Donations are welcome, too. Just put “Shoebox” on the memo line of your check.


The missions trip to Ninos de Baja is to distribute the shoebox gifts to the children on December 8. Very limited space on this trip due to limited housing on site. PREFERENCE IS FOR FIRST-TIMERS. Passport required. Estimated $100/person, $50 deposit to a hold spot. Put “Mexico Trip” on the memo line of your check. Contact Michael Yeaman at [email protected] with any questions.


DISABILITY CHRISTMAS SHOPPE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8: You’re invited to be part of the fun at the 6th annual Disability Christmas Shoppe to benefit families who have children with special needs/disabilities! There will be new toys, kid’s clothing, and other items for parents to choose as Christmas gifts for all of the children in their family. It will be a festive day filled with Christmas music, refreshments, entertainment, childcare, gift wrapping, sharing the gospel and an opportunity for prayer.


You can be a part of this special event by:


Donating new toys, gifts, or gift cards by December 2nd

Collecting new toys at your home or place of work

Serving before, on the day of the Shoppe, or afterwards

Sign up at the table in the lobby or go online.


Volunteer online under the Get Connected tab on our website.


WORSHIP CENTER RE-MODEL PROJECT: After thirteen years, it is time to give our worship center a facelift! With Gold Coast people volunteering the manpower, the estimated cost of materials and supplies for the project is $10,000. We are looking to raise those funds with over-and-above gifts/donations.Be sure to check out the display table in the lobby this Sunday. You’ll be able to see pictures of the concept created by Aaron Nicholls as well as sign-up to volunteer to serve on the project.


The project begins in January. Volunteer opportunities include carpet removal, loading dumpsters, recovering sounds panels, painting, carpentry, etc.


Questions? Contact Sharon Wilson at 805-204-8644.


STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE AVAILABLE: In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring. To find out more about being trained as a Stephen Minister or to receive a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card and place it in the offering basket this Sunday or call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.


PRAYER TIME EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: You’re invited to Sunday morning Prayer Time from 8:30-9:00 am in the Youth Room every Sunday! Come for a couple of minutes or stay longer. This is open to everyone! Prayer cards with suggested topics will be available – you can pray aloud or silently. You can contact Anne Romero if you have any questions at anne2grace@gmail.




Friday                         November 16            2 Cor 3-6

Saturday                    November 17           2 Cor 7-10

Sunday                      November 18           Ps 124; 2 Cor 11-13

Monday                      November 19           Mt 1-4

Tuesday                    November 20           Mt 5-7

Wednesday               November 21           Mt 8-10

Thursday                   November 22           Mt 11-13

Friday                         November 23           Mt 14-16

Saturday                    November 24           Mt 17-19

Sunday                      November 25           Mt 20-22


See you Sunday!

