WELCOME NEW GOLD COAST CHURCH FAMILY MEMBERS!The following Christ-followers recently participated in the Discovering a Church Familyseminar and have made Gold Coast their church home: Mike Chavez, Aeryn Cook, Arwen Cook, Jonathan Cook, Stephanie Cook, Tom Cook, Kathleen Curran, Rhonda Greer, and Eileen Hansen. Welcome home!
THIS SUNDAYmorning we’ll be looking at Hebrews 10:19-25. In this passage we see that we were designed in such a way that we need deep relationships with others in order to flourish. This is becoming increasingly apparent as many are finding rich, nurturing relationships with others are becoming more and more elusive in our culture.
Lee Eclov shares the following:In a New York Times magazine article, Hal Niedzviecki reflected on social media sites—specifically, Facebook. Soon after starting a Facebook account, Niedzviecki had accumulated about 700 on-line “friends.” In his own words, he was “absurdly proud of how many cyberpals, connections, acquaintances, and even strangers I’d managed to sign up.” But he went on to point out that due to a 2-year-old at home, his “workaholic irritability,” even his love of being left alone, he had fewer in-the-flesh friends to hang out with than he’d ever had before. So he decided to have a Facebook party to push his virtual friends into actual friends.
Niedzviecki invited all 700 of his “friends” to a local bar for a party. People could respond to one of three options: “Attending,” “Maybe Attending” and “Not Attending.” Fifteen said they would be there, and sixty said they might be there. He guessed somewhere around 20 would show up.
He writes about what happened next: “On the evening in question, I took a shower. I shaved. I splashed on my tingly man perfume. I put on new pants and a favorite shirt. Brimming with optimism, I headed over to the neighborhood watering hole and waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually, one person showed up.”
And the one woman who showed up to meet Niedzviecki? He didn’t know her. She was a friend of a friend. They ended up making small talk and then she left.
Hal waited till midnight but no one else showed up. So, he ordered a beer and sulked. He concludes his article with these words: “Seven hundred friends, and I was drinking alone.”
As we’re going to see in our text tomorrow, God did not create us to remain alone; He created us to connect with him as well as to others.
Tomorrow would be a great Sunday to invite someone to join you at Gold Coast!
SPECIAL NEEDS MINISTRY LUNCH MEETING, SUNDAY, JULY 1, AFTER THE SECOND SERVICE:Meet in the Youth Room from about 12:15-1:45 pm. This is for anyone who would like to be part of being a blessing to people affected by disabilities in our community! We will discuss current and upcoming events and activities that are going on in the area, like the Ed Hunt Rehab Point Project, Buddy Break, the Disability Christmas Shoppe, and more. To sign up, write “Special Needs” on your Connection Card at one of the services tomorrow or contact Tana at [email protected] or 805.485.5433.
PRAYER FOR MISSIONS, SUNDAY, JULY 1: On the first Sunday of each month, please gather in the Worship Center after the 2nd service to pray for the missions and missionaries that Gold Coast supports. Contact Mike or Lynne Yeaman at [email protected] or 805.331.3899 for more information.
26TH ANNUAL REHAB POINT PICNIC, SUNDAY, JULY 8: The Ed Hunt Rehab Point Project is a 900-foot concrete path by Oxnard Beach Park that gives access to the beach for people who use walkers and wheelchairs. Each year a picnic is held to provide resource information to people affected by disabilities as well as offer some food, festivities, and activities for the kids. Stop by Gold Coast’s Special Needs Ministry tables! Let us know you’ll be attending or just show up! Contact Tana Seufert if you have any questions at 805.485.5433 or [email protected].
Time: 11 am-3 pm; Location: 1601 South Harbor Boulevard, Oxnard Beach Park
RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 4:15-6:15 PM:Sign up by writing “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card on Sunday or contact Stuart Baker at [email protected] or call 805.427.5528.
MEN’S BREAKFAST, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 8:30 to 10 AM: Men, let’s get together for a great time of fellowship, encouragement, and challenge in our spiritual growth. Breakfast will be served. Cost is $5. First time guests are free. Guest Speaker, Tim Kanter, made loads of bad choices as a teen. God got a hold of him and changed his life. Now a Christen playwright, traveling comedian, and pastor, come hear how God shifted his life mission to lead others to Jesus. Sign up at the table in the lobby on Sunday. Questions? Contact George Garcia at [email protected] or 805.302.8475.
Sunday June 24 2 Ki. 11-12; 2 Chr. 24; 1 Tim. 6
Monday June 25 Joel 1-3; 2 Tim. 1
Tuesday June 26 Jon. 1-4; 2 Tim. 2
Wednesday June 27 2 Ki 13-14; 2 Chr. 25; 2 Tim. 3
Thursday June 28 Amos 1-3; Ps. 80; 2 Tim. 4
Friday June 29 Amos 4-6; Ps. 86-87; Titus 1
Saturday June 30 Amos 7-9; Ps. 86-87; Titus 2
Sunday July 1 Is. 1-3; Titus 3
HIGHTIDE YOUTH GROUP meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room. Middle school students also meet most Sundays starting at 10:45 am in the Worship Center and are dismissed later to the Youth Room. Contact Christian Schaefer at 541.601.7131 or [email protected], if you have any questions.
REFUGE (YOUNG ADULTS MINISTRY), MONDAYS, 7 PM, GOLD COAST’S YOUTH ROOM: Are you a young adult- 18 to 28ish years old- and want more than just church on Sunday mornings? Now you can get together with other young adults on Monday nights! This time usually consists of fellowship, worship, prayer, Bible study and group discussions. The weekly topic varies (presently, it’s the New Testament book of John), but the group likes to go deep in scripture and work through relevant issues that young adults are facing. Things are planned outside of the usual Monday evening gatherings (movie nights, brunches, etc.) on a regular basis so you can hang out and enjoy each other’s company. Questions? Contact Jeff Atchison at 805-751-3379 or [email protected]. or check out
STEPHEN MINISTRY: In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring. To find out more about receiving a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card tomorrow at one of the worship services and place it in the offering basket or call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.