CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES ARE THIS MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, at 4:00 & 5:30 PM: Enjoy spending time celebrating Jesus’ birth! Nursery care will be provided at the 4 PM service for children under 2 years old. Fun “activity bags” have been put together for children ages 3 to 10 at both services.
CHRISTMAS EVE SIGNS FOR YOUR YARD OR WINDOW: If you have a Christmas Eve yard sign from last year, it’s time to start displaying it! If you don’t have a yard sign, you can pick one up tomorrow at either entrance of the Gold Coast facility. Display one in your yard or window. Let’s get the word out about Gold Coast’s Christmas Eve Services at 4:00 & 5:30 pm!
DIGITAL INVITATION POSTCARDS TO CHRISTMAS EVE AT GOLD COAST: Be thinking and praying about who you can invite to experience God’s love this Christmas! Go to download the postcard.
THIS SUNDAY, we wrap up our Christmas series, He Will Be Called, by looking at Jesus as the Prince of Peace. Jesus came to earth over 2000 years ago, promising peace and yet, conflict abounds throughout the world, between both individuals and nations. Chris Hedges, writing for The New York Times, states, “War is defined as an active conflict that has claimed more than 1,000 lives. Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history. At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century.”
Besides interpersonal conflict, there’s also the inner conflict that many find within themselves, which they discover they cannot overcome. Add to that strained and/or negative relationships multitudes experience with God, life can be anything but truly peaceful.
Just how is Jesus the Prince of Peace? Can his promised peace be experienced today? Sunday will be a rich time as, together, we focus on Jesus and what he brings. Invite a friend to join you!
ONE WORSHIP SERVICE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30: Mark your calendars- the Sunday after Christmas, we’ll join together for one worship service at 10:00 am!
BAPTISMS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30: If you are interested in being baptized, please write “baptism” on your Connection Card this Sunday and/or contact Pastor Scott at [email protected] if you have any questions.
WORSHIP CENTER RE-MODEL PROJECT: After thirteen years, it is time to give our worship center a facelift! With Gold Coast people volunteering the manpower, the estimated cost of materials and supplies for the project is $10,000. We are looking to raise those funds with over-and-above gifts/donations. Our Christmas Offering this year will be used to fund this project.
It would be great to have this project fully funded by the close of the year. Will you consider a year-end gift to help us get there? Be sure to check out thedisplay table in the lobby this Sunday. You’ll be able to see pictures of the concept created by Aaron Nicholls as well as sign-up to volunteer to serve on the project.
The project begins in January. Volunteer opportunities include carpet removal, loading dumpsters, recovering sounds panels, painting, carpentry, etc.
Questions? Contact Sharon Wilson at 805-204-8644.
DO YOU HAVE A GIFT OF HOSPITALITY? If you would enjoy serving others by preparing/coordinating food and preparing a room for meetings, please contact the church office at 805.485.5433.
LIFE GROUPS START THE WEEK OF JANUARY 6th: The primary purpose of LIFE Groups is joining with other believers, doing life together in community as we spur one another on to grow in following Jesus and helping others begin a relationship with Jesus. If you are new to a LIFE Group or wish to change to a different LIFE Group, sign up through the church website or visit the Welcome Desk this Sunday.
DISCOVERING A CHURCH FAMILY, SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 12:30 PM TO 2:30 PM, YOUTH ROOM: Discovering a Church Family (101 Class) provides information on what we believe, church membership, and more! Sign up by writing “101 Class” on your Connection Card this Sunday or go online at to register. Lunch will be provided. If you have any questions, contact the church office at [email protected] or 805.485.5433.
TAKING DOWN DECORATIONS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4: We need about 6-8 individuals to help take down the Christmas decorations. We’ll be starting at 9 am and should be finished by about 10:30 am or so. If you can assist, please write “Take Down” on your Connection Card tomorrow or go online. Want a free artificial Christmas tree? There will be two Christmas trees and some lights that will be available to pick up at noon that day. Questions, contact Darrell Foote at 805.660.3061 or [email protected].
PRAYER TIME EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: You’re invited to Sunday morning Prayer Time from 8:30-9:00 am in the Youth Room every Sunday! Come for a couple of minutes or stay longer. This is open to everyone! Prayer cards with suggested topics will be available – you can pray aloud or silently. You can contact Anne Romero if you have any questions at anne2grace@gmail.
AN EASY ADDITIONAL WAY TO SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF GOLD COAST: Are you using Amazon in your Christmas shopping? Amazon will send a small percent of every purchase you make to the charity of your choice. Just go to:, and select “Gold Coast Christian Church” as the charity you wish to support from the drop-down menu under the amazon search bar. Once you make your purchases, Gold Coast will automatically receive a small donation! This works with both Amazon Prime as well as the regular Amazon. Please note: you must continue to use to utilize the donation feature on subsequent purchases; this will not activate on!
Friday December 21 Jn 9-11
Saturday December 22 Jn 12-14
Sunday December 23 Jn 15-18
Monday December 24 Jn 19-21
Tuesday December 25 1 Jn 1-5
Wednesday December 26 Ps 117,119: 81-176; 2 Jn; 3 Jn
Thursday December 27 Rev 1-4
Friday December 28 Rev 5-9
Saturday December 29 Rev 10-14
Sunday December 30 Rev 15-18
Looking forward to share this Christmas Sunday with all of you,