February 15, 2019

THIS SUNDAY we continue our series, “The Gospel According to Abraham.” We’ll walk through Genesis 20. I encourage you to read it before Sunday. It’s encouraging to me that all of our heroes of the faith in the Bible are imperfect, with clay of feet, who desperately need God and his grace:

Moses and David were both murderers.

Elijah was suicidal.

Jacob was a cheater.

Peter denied Jesus three times, was a hypocrite and a racist.

Jesus’ disciples fell asleep on him when he could have used them the most.

Paul persecuted and killed Christians.

On Sunday, we’ll see how Abraham fails yet again. It’s so good to know Jesus doesn’t call the equipped- he equips the called; that he loves us just the way we are, “warts” and all, but he loves us too much to allow us to stay that way.  This will be a great Sunday to invite others to join you at Gold Coast!

DAY OF MOURNING, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 11 AM TO NOON: A number of pastors and others from area churches are gathering to pray for and mourn on behalf of the unborn, their parents and families. You’re invited to join us that hour to pray.  It will take place at Oxnard State Beach Park, 1601 S. Harbor Blvd., Oxnard. Meet on the grass near the entrance to the beach.

DISCOVERING SPIRITUAL MATURITY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24: Because spiritual growth is not automatic, the 201 Class helps believers establish habits that promote spiritual growth, such as prayer, time in God’s word, spending time with other believers, and stewardship. Meet in the Youth Room from 4:00-7:30 pm. Dinner will be available. Be sure to sign up by writing “201 Class” on your Connection Card this Sunday or go online. Contact Darrell Foote at [email protected] or 805.660.3061, if you have any questions.

BOOK OF MARK STUDY STARTS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28: What makes Christianity good news? Who is Jesus? What is his mission? How are we to respond to him and that mission? An 8-week study on the book of Mark begins on Thursday, February 28. Do you have a friend you want to introduce to Jesus? This study gives us a fresh look at the answers to these questions. This mixed (men and women) LIFE Group will be meeting from 10:00-11:30 am at Lillian Ruan’s home- 901 Paseo Brisas Lindas, Oxnard. Call Lillian at 805.988.1282 for the gate code. Contact Donna Beeson at [email protected], if you have any questions.

RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, MARCH 2: Oxnard outreach is from 4:15-6:15 pm. To sign up, write “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card or go online to our website under the Get Connected tab. Contact Stuart Baker at 805.427.5528 or [email protected], if you have any questions.

PRAYER FOR MISSIONS, SUNDAY, MARCH 3: On the first Sunday of each month, please gather in the Worship Center after the 2nd service to pray for the missions and missionaries that Gold Coast supports. Contact Mike or Lynne Yeaman at [email protected] or 805.331.3899 for more information.

SAVE THE DATE- SATURDAY, MARCH 30: Ladies, please mark your calendars for this year’s Ladies Luncheon at Sterling Hills Golf Course with guest speaker Melissa Mamoine. Signups start at the end of this month.

PRAYER TIME EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: You’re invited to Sunday morning Prayer Time from 8:30-9:00 am in the Youth Room every Sunday! Come for a couple of minutes or stay longer. This is open to everyone! Prayer cards with suggested topics will be available – you can pray aloud or silently. You can contact Anne Romero if you have any questions at anne2grace@gmail.


Friday             February 15        Lev 25; Ps 26-26; Acts 2

Saturday        February 16        Lev 26-27; Acts 23

Sunday          February 17        Num 1-2; Acts 24

Monday         February 18        Num 3-4; Acts 25

Tuesday        February 19        Num 5-6; Ps 22; Acts 26

Wednesday  February 20        Num 7; Ps 23; Acts 27

Thursday       February 21        Num 8_9; Acts 28

Friday             February 22        Num 10-11; Ps 27; Mark 1

Saturday        February 23        Num 12-13; Ps 90; Mark 2

Sunday          February 24        Num 14-16; Mark 3

