Pastor’s Update, December 8, 2018



TOMORROW we continue our series entitled He Will Be Called, in which we’re looking at the different descriptions/titles of Jesus as recorded in Isaiah 9:6. Tomorrow we’ll take a look at Jesus, the Mighty God.


LADIES’ COOKIE EXCHANGE,TOMORROW, DECEMBER 9, 4 PM, 751 BIG HORN CT., CAMARILLO: “‘Tis the season to be sweet, so bring 4 dozen of your favorite treat!”  Ladies, this is a fun and non-threatening event to invite and bring other women to who don’t yet know Jesus and/or have a church home! You don’t bake? Not a problem. You don’t have to participate in the exchange in order to have a great time at the party! RSVP to Margie Cantu at 805-660-1187.


CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES ARE MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 at 4:00 & 5:30 PM: Enjoy spending time celebrating Jesus’ birth with your loved ones!


CHRISTMAS EVE SIGNS FOR YOUR YARD OR WINDOW: If you have a Christmas Eve yard sign from last year, it’s time to start displaying it! If you don’t have a yard sign, you can pick one up tomorrow at either entrance of the Gold Coast facility. Display one in your yard or window. Let’s get the word out about Gold Coast’s Christmas Eve Services at 4:00 & 5:30 pm!

DOWNLOAD THE CHRISTMAS EVE INVITATION POSTCARD: Be thinking and praying about who you can invite to experience God’s love this Christmas! Go to to download the postcard.

WEAR YOUR CHRISTMAS SWEATERS ON DECEMBER 16: Get in the Christmas spirit by wearing your most BEAUTIFUL OR HIDEOUS Christmas sweater to Gold Coast that morning!


AN EASY ADDITIONAL WAY TO SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF GOLD COAST: Are you using Amazon in your Christmas shopping? Amazon will send a small percent of every purchase you make to the charity of your choice. Just go to:, and select “Gold Coast Christian Church” as the charity you wish to support from the drop-down menu under the amazon search bar. Once you make your purchases, Gold Coast will automatically receive a small donation! This works with both Amazon Prime as well as the regular Amazon. Please note: you must continue to use to utilize the donation feature on subsequent purchases; this will not activate on!


ONE WORSHIP SERVICE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30: Mark your calendars- the Sunday after Christmas, we’ll join together for one worship service at 10:00 am!


BAPTISMS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30: If you are interested in being baptized, please write “baptism” on your Connection Card tomorrow and/or contact Pastor Scott at [email protected] if you have any questions.
DISCOVERY COVE (OUR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY HERE AT GOLD COAST) IS LOOKING FOR A FEW MORE HANDS TO SERVE! Every time a child comes to Gold Coast, they are taught that they are LOVED Jesus and his church! Presently, there are opportunities to serve either on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Interesting in finding out more about how an hour a month can make an eternal impact? Contact Krystal Cooper at [email protected] or Sharon Wilson at [email protected] to find out more.

WORSHIP CENTER RE-MODEL PROJECT: After thirteen years, it is time to give our worship center a facelift! With Gold Coast people volunteering the manpower, the estimated cost of materials and supplies for the project is $10,000. We are looking to raise those funds with over-and-above gifts/donations. $1700 HAS COME IN SO FAR- CLOSE TO 20% OF THE GOAL. It would be great to have this project fully funded by the close of the year.  Will you consider a year-end gift to help us get there?  Be sure to check out thedisplay table in the lobby this Sunday. You’ll be able to see pictures of the concept created by Aaron Nicholls as well as sign-up to volunteer to serve on the project.

Pastor’s Update, December 1, 2018


LAST SUNDAY was a great day as we added Louis DeLuca and Tim Kanter to our pastoral staff team. They come to us from Sojourn Church, amulti-gathering church in our area. As they shared, they are driven to see people trust in Jesus above all. They are committed to making disciples and to helping other disciples make disciples. They also love to pour into others in order to see spiritual maturity take place, helping people grow from spiritual infants to spiritual adults. They’re also passionate about the power and benefits of community, seeing the family of God experiencing rich relationships, helping and encouraging each other in the journey with Jesus.

They bring the above passions to Gold Coast. We’re looking forward to being more effective and accomplishing more together for the kingdom of God than we can separately. 

Louis is married to Faith and their kids are Gianna and Alessandra. Tim is married to Angela and their kids are Megan and Emma.

As I shared, I’d been praying for some time the prayer Jesus encourages us to offer up, as recorded in Matthew 9: “…Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”(Mt 9:38) One of the challenges of adding more workers for God’s harvest field is funding. God has provided it in that Louis and Tim come to us fully supported! “Where God guides, God provides.”

Additionally, another prayer close to Jesus’ heart is that his church would be united in love. Jesus prays in the shadow of the cross, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me (John 17:20-23).Every Sunday in our services we ask God to pour out his blessing on every local church in our area that loves and serves Jesus and pursues His great commission.  By joining together, we are demonstrating the unity of Jesus’ church. We believe we’ll be better together.

It’s exciting to see God move and answer these two prayers with the addition of the Sojourn joining the Gold Coast family!

(To hear the whole story, check out the November 25th service on our website.)

Both Louis and Tim would love to meet you. If you’d like to grab a coffee, share a meal, etc. You can contact them at [email protected] and [email protected].


TOMORROW we’ll kick off a new series entitled He Will Be Called. We’ll be looking at the different descriptions/titles of Jesus as recorded in Isaiah 9:6. Tomorrow we’ll be unpacking and applying how Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor. It will be good to join together in worship, fellowship and learning how to better love Jesus and others! Can’t wait!

Pastor’s Update, November 23, 2018


I HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT THANKSGIVING and you took some time to reflect on all the blessings God has poured out to you and thanked him for them.


REMEMBER THIS SUNDAY (NOVEMBER 25) IS OUR ONE COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:00 AM. Our regular schedule of Sunday morning worship times of 9:15 and 10:45 will be suspended on that day so we can all come together in one service at 10 AM. I’m really looking forward to sharing some exciting news with you!  A FREE LUNCH WILL BE SERVED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SERVICE so plan on relaxing a bit, having a bite to eat and enjoying the company of your Gold Coast family!

ADVENT DEVOTIONAL GUIDE AVAILABLE THIS SUNDAY: This 30-day devotional will help you journey through the upcoming Advent season. Pick up a copy in the lobby on Sunday. (One devotional booklet per family, please.)

NINOS DE BAJA SHOEBOXES: It’s time to donate filled shoeboxes for the children of Guadalupe Valley in Mexico for Christmas! Last year, there were 1,700 children at the event. Boxes and lists are available in the lobby. RETURN DEADLINE IS THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25. Donations are welcome, too. Just put “Shoebox” on the memo line of your check.

DISCOVERY COVE (OUR CHILDREN’S MINISTRY HERE AT GOLD COAST) IS LOOKING FOR A FEW MORE HANDS TO SERVE! Every time a child comes to Gold Coast, they are taught that they are LOVED Jesus and his church! Presently, there are opportunities to serve either on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Interesting in finding out more about how an hour a month can make an eternal impact? Contact Krystal Cooper at [email protected] or Sharon Wilson at [email protected] to find out more.

DE BAJA MISSIONS TRIP: The missions trip to Ninos de Baja is to distribute the shoebox gifts to the children on December 8. Very limited space on this trip due to limited housing on site. PREFERENCE IS FOR FIRST-TIMERS. Passport required. Estimated $100/person, $50 deposit to a hold spot. Put “Mexico Trip” on the memo line of your check. Contact Michael Yeaman at [email protected] with any questions.

CHRISTMAS DECORATING AT GOLD COAST FACILITY, THIS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27: Help set up Christmas decorations at the facility starting at 12:30 pm. Sign up by writing “Decoration” on your Connection Card this Sunday or sign up on our website.


MEN’S BREAKFAST & TOOL EXCHANGE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 8:30 TO 10:00 AM:  Take advantage of this EOO (excellent outreach opportunity)!  Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. who need Jesus and/or a church home to join you. In addition, it promises to be a great time for fellowship, being encouraged and challenged in your spiritual growth, and enjoying a good breakfast! $5 per person or free to first time guests. Sign up at the table in the lobby by the Welcome Desk this Sunday or go online. Contact George Garcia at [email protected] or 302.8475, if you have any questions.


RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1,FROM 4:15 to 6:15 PM: To sign up, go online or write “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card. You can contact Stuart Baker at 805.427.5528 or [email protected], if you have any questions.


LADIES’ COOKIE EXCHANGE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 4 PM, 751 BIG HORN CT., CAMARILLO: “‘Tis the season to be sweet, so bring 4 dozen of your favorite treat!”  Ladies, this is a fun and non-threatening event to invite and bring other women to who don’t yet know Jesus and/or have a church home! RSVP to Margie Cantu at 805-660-1187.

Pastor’s Update, November 16, 2018


SERVE DAY, TOMORROW, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17: Camarillo Grove Park was hit hard by the fire.The Parks District is needing volunteers to pack sand bags to protect the trails in preparation for the rains that will be coming. 

Our original 3rd Saturday Serve Day project got postponed and so this is going to be our new project! Pastor Darrell will be there. You do not have to stay the whole time. Pertinent information below:

When:  Saturday, 8 am to 3 pm

What to bring:  Wear protective clothing & shoes and bring shovel(s), gloves, hat & sunscreen (optional). Masks will be provided (if needed), snacks and water. There’s a rumor that there might be pizza for lunch.

Project:  Filling sand bags and placing them at various places on the trail.  

THIS SUNDAY we wrap up our He Said WHAT?, the message series in which we’ve looked some of the shocking and difficult statements of Jesus. We’re going to look at the parable Jesus tellsabout the kingdom of heaven, recorded in Matthew 20:1-16. The story is about workers doing differing amounts of work and how they are compensated. In some ways, what some get for their work doesn’t seem fair. How do you respond when God doesn’t seem to be fair? I encourage you to read it beforehand and come ready to dig in.

PRAY FOR ELEANOR REYNOLDS: We prayed for her and her parents, Craig and Emily, last Sunday in our services. Eleanor is in critical condition at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Please hold them up in prayer before the Father.

ONE COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE A WEEK FROM THIS SUNDAY, ON NOVEMBER 25 AT 10:00 AM: The Sunday after Thanksgiving, let’s join together for one worship service at 10:00 am. (Our regular schedule of Sunday morning worship times of 9:15 and 10:45 will be suspended on that day).



Mark your calendars now!


ADVENT DEVOTIONAL GUIDE AVAILABLE THIS SUNDAY: This 30-day devotional will help you journey through the upcoming Advent season. Pick up a copy in the lobby on Sunday. (One devotional booklet per family, please.)


CHRISTMAS DECORATING AT GOLD COAST FACILITY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27: Help set up Christmas decorations at the facility starting at 12:30 pm. Sign up by writing “Decoration” on your Connection Card this Sunday or sign up on our website.


MEN’S BREAKFAST & TOOL EXCHANGE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 8:30 TO 10:00 AM:  Take advantage of this EOO (excellent outreach opportunity)!  Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. who need Jesus and/or a church home to join you. In addition, it promises to be a great time for fellowship, being encouraged and challenged in your spiritual growth, and enjoying a good breakfast! $5 per person or free to first time guests. Sign up at the table in the lobby by the Welcome Desk this Sunday or go online. Contact George Garcia at [email protected] or 302.8475, if you have any questions.


LADIES’ COOKIE EXCHANGE, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 4 PM, 751 BIG HORN CT., CAMARILLO: “‘Tis the season to be sweet, so bring 4 dozen of your favorite treat!”  Ladies, this is a fun and non-threatening event to invite and bring other women to who don’t yet know Jesus and/or have a church home! RSVP to Margie Cantu at 805-660-1187.

Pastor’s Update, November 10, 2018


QUITE A WEEK: With the fires and the mass killing at the Borderline, this has been quite a sobering week for our community. Many have been affected. It wouldn’t surprise me if everyone reading this has either been impacted personally and/or knows someone who has. Keep praying and looking for ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are suffering and impacted by this. We’ve been reminded just how fleeting and unstable this brief life here on earth can be.  The world desperately needs Jesus- his grace, peace, and power as well as the hope that can only be found in him. A line in a song by Ryan Stevenson says, “You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn, your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm.”  How thankful I am that that is true.

THIS SUNDAY, we’re going to have a special time of prayer for our community, for those who are struggling over the events of this past week. The message is going to cover some essential principles for our life with Christ as well as how being focused on and passionate about Jesus can enable us to weather and survive any storm that comes along.

ONE COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 @ 10:00 AM: The Sunday after Thanksgiving, let’s join together for one worship service at 10:00 am. (Our regular schedule of Sunday morning worship times of 9:15 and 10:45 will be suspended on that day). Mark your calendars!


CHRISTMAS DECORATING AT GOLD COAST FACILITY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27: Help set up Christmas decorations at the facility starting at 12:30 pm. Sign up by writing “Decoration” on your Connection Card this Sunday or sign up on our website.


MEN’S BREAKFAST & TOOL EXCHANGE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 8:30 TO 10:00 AM: Take advantage of this EOO (excellent outreach opportunity)!  Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. who need Jesus and/or a church home to join you. In addition, it promises to be a great time for fellowship, being encouraged and challenged in your spiritual growth, and enjoying a good breakfast! $5 per person or free to first time guests. Sign up at the table in the lobby by the Welcome Desk this Sunday or go online. Contact George Garcia at [email protected] or 302.8475, if you have any questions.


NINOS DE BAJA SHOEBOXES & MISSIONS TRIP: It’s time to donate filled shoeboxes for the children of Guadalupe Valley in Mexico for Christmas! Last year, there were 1,700 children at the event. Boxes and lists are available in the lobby. Return deadline is Sunday, November 25. Donations are welcome, too. Just put “Shoebox” on the memo line of your check.

The missions trip to Ninos de Baja is to distribute the shoebox gifts to the children on December 8. Very limited space on this trip due to limited housing on site. Preference is for first timers. Passport required. Estimated $100/person, $50 deposit to a hold spot. Put “Mexico Trip” on the memo line of your check. Contact Michael Yeaman at [email protected] with any questions.

Pastor’s Update, November 3, 2018



IT’S TIME TO FALL BACK!  THE TIME CHANGE HAPPENS TOMORROW, NOVEMBER 4: Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 AM tomorrow, Sunday, November 4th. Make sure you turn your clocks BACK one hour before going to bed tonight, Saturday, November 3.


THIS SUNDAY, in our current message series of some of the shocking statements of Jesus, we’re looking at what Jesus said as recorded in John 14:13,14: “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

Many read this and think, “Wow! How cool is that?!  I can ask God for anything, tag on Jesus’ name at the end and voila, it comes about!” Is that how it works?  We’re going to see that when it comes to bringing our requests to God, there are some very important things to understand and consider.


RESULTS OF THE MATTHEW 25 CHALLENGE: God used this recent experience to grow our hearts for the “least of these.” 24 children gained sponsors, which means about 100 kids’ lives will be changed in radical ways. (You see, because of their holistic, community-focused approach, for every child sponsored, 4 other children in the community benefit.) Centered in Christ, World Vision’s Child Sponsorship Program strengthens the whole community, so children can thrive with essentials like clean water, nutrition, education, and more. Thanks to all who are helping these vulnerable children break free from poverty for good.

For those who missed out on participating in the challenge, there is still a way for you to experience a life-changing impact as well as impact others in a profound way. There are 7 sponsorship folders for children that are still available. You can find them at the Welcome Desk in the Gold Coast lobby tomorrow. The folders have details about the child who is in need. If you would like to sponsor a child or would like more information, please go to the Welcome Desk. You can also check out what makes World Vision child sponsorship programs uniquefor more information.

PRAYER FOR MISSIONS, TOMORROW AFTER THE 2ND SERVICE: On the first Sunday of each month, gather in the Worship Center after the 2nd service to pray for the missions and missionaries that Gold Coast supports. Contact Mike or Lynne Yeaman at [email protected] or 805.331.3899 for more information.

SERVE DAY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17: This is an opportunity to do various service projects for seniors, disabled residents, and under-resourced families. Projects are based on those who sign up. If you are interested in participating, go to the Welcome Desk and fill out a Serve Day form or go online.

DISABILITY CHRISTMAS SHOPPE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8: You’re invited to be part of the fun at the 6th annual Disability Christmas Shoppe to benefit families who have children with special needs/disabilities! There will be new toys, kid’s clothing, and other items for parents to choose as Christmas gifts for all of the children in their family. It will be a festive day filled with Christmas music, refreshments, entertainment, childcare, gift wrapping, sharing the gospel and an opportunity for prayer.

You can be a part of this special event by:

Donating new toys, gifts, or gift cards by December 2nd

Collecting new toys at your home or place of work

Serving before, on the day of the Shoppe, or afterwards

Sign up at the table in the lobby or go online.

Volunteer online under the Get Connected tab on our website.

Pastor’s Update, October 26, 2018



OUR MATTHEW 25 CHALLENGE CELEBRATION IS HAPPENING THIS SUNDAY!  What an amazing adventure this week has been! God’s been at work, using the daily challenges to grow our hearts for the “least of these.”

In our teaching time on Sunday, we’re going to look at Matthew 25:14-46, a parable Jesus tells about a wealthy man who entrusts three of his workers with resources to put to work for him. When he returns and inspects what they’ve done, he commends and rewards two of them for their faithful, conscientious service but dishes out harsh consequences for the third due to his laziness. In fact, as we’ll see, his words are shocking! 

It’s going to be a powerful time of worship and being in the word of God. This is a great Sunday to invite someone to join you!

THE HIGHER GROUND HIKE TO PARADISE FALLS, WILDWOOD PARK, IS TOMORROW, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27: You’ll see sweeping grasslands, prominent ridges and peaks like Lizard Rock. The hike will take us up to Paradise Falls that plunges 40 feet into a large pool surrounded by beautiful landscape.

Distance: 2.8 miles Start Time: 8:30 am; Difficulty: Moderate; End Time: 11:30 am

Meet at Starbucks in Camarillo at the Las Posas Shopping Center. We’ll be leaving for Thousand Oaks by 8:45 am. Bring good hiking shoes, sunscreen, water and a camera for pictures!

Invite a friend or bring the family along to share the experience. A continental Breakfast will be provided after the hike along with snacks and drinks.

Contact: Margie Cantu at [email protected] or cell 805.660.1187.


RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, FROM 4:15-6:15 PM: Sign up online at or write “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card this Sunday. Contact Stuart Baker at [email protected] or 805.427.5528, if you have any questions.

WORSHIP CHOIR, THURSDAY NIGHTS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: Every Thursday night from 6:30-7:30 pm during the months of November-December, the Worship Choir will be meeting in the youth room. We’ll be exploring worship through the use of our voices and challenging ourselves to bring worship into the lives we live every day while preparing to sing during the Christmas season. All are welcome. NO TRY OUTS! Info meeting is this Thursday, November 1. Sign up in the lobby this Sunday or go online to Gold Coast’s website. Contact Rachel Sutherland at 805.218.2809 (text or call) for more information.

Matthew 25 Challenge at Gold Coast Begins Tomorrow


If you missed this morning’s services, it’s not too late for you to opt into this 7-Day challenge. It begins tomorrow, Monday, October 22. 

This special challenge has the power to radically change our perspective on some of the greatest needs facing the world today.   

It will walk us through Matthew 25:35-40 as a community. Every day this week, you’ll receive a few text messages that will give you and your family a small challenge. Calling you out of your comfort zone, you’ll learn about a child living in extreme poverty, and get reflection questions to grow your heart for the poor.

How to opt in: Open up your text messages on your cell phone and start a new message. Type 44888 in the space where you would put someone’s phone number. (Do it just like you are texting someone whose number isn’t in your contacts.) Then, in the body of the text, where the message goes, just type M25, then click send.

You’ll be asked just 2 things to opt in: 

The date of the challenge – since we’re starting tomorrow, choose OPTION A by typing an A in the text box and hit send.

You’ll get a text asking for your zip code so you get texts at the right time throughout the day!  Type that in and hit send. 

You’re all set now.  We’d like for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US at Gold Coast to opt in.

This week, if you miss one of the daily challenges, don’t opt out. Just stick with it and do your best. This challenge has the potential to transform your faith, but only if you take it seriously and stick with it.

I believe this is going to be a life-changing experience!

Parents – this is a great discipleship experience for your entire family. 

You can even invite your friends to take the challenge with you. Do it with your Life group.

(If you don’t do texts, sign up for daily emails at

Next Sunday, October 28,  you will want to be at one of the morning services at Gold Coast for a special Matthew 25 Celebration service.



Pastor’s Update, October 20, 2018



THIS SUNDAY we continue our series of messages on shocking statements made of Jesus by looking at Matthew 25:31-46. It’s another very famous passage of Scripture. I’m looking forward to sharing the message with you. Invite a friend to join you tomorrow.



Join us for a Fall hike! There are sweeping grasslands, prominent ridges and peaks like Lizard Rock. The hike will take us up to Paradise Falls that plunges 40 feet into a large pool surrounded by beautiful landscape.

Distance: 2.8 miles Start Time: 8:30 am

Difficulty: Moderate End Time: 11:30 am

Meet at Starbucks in Camarillo at the Las Posas Shopping Center. We’ll be leaving for Thousand Oaks by 8:45 am. Bring good hiking shoes, sunscreen, water and a camera for pictures!

Invite a friend or bring the family along to share the experience. A continental Breakfast will be provided after the hike along with snacks and drinks.

Contact: Margie Cantu at [email protected] or cell 805.660.1187.


RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, FROM 4:15-6:15 PM: Sign up online at or write “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card this Sunday. Contact Stuart Baker at [email protected] or 805.427.5528, if you have any questions.

WORSHIP CHOIR, THURSDAY NIGHTS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: Every Thursday night from 6:30-7:30 pm during the months of November-December, the Worship Choir will be meeting in the youth room. We’ll be exploring worship through the use of our voices and challenging ourselves to bring worship into the lives we live every day while preparing to sing during the Christmas season. All are welcome. NO TRY OUTS! Info meeting is on Thursday, November 1. Sign up in the lobby this Sunday or go online to Gold Coast’s website. Contact Rachel Sutherland at 805.218.2809 (text or call) for more information.


PRAYER FOR MISSIONS, NOVEMBER 4: On the first Sunday of each month, please gather in the Worship Center after the 2nd service to pray for the missions and missionaries that Gold Coast supports. Contact Mike or Lynne Yeaman at [email protected] or 805.331.3899 for more information.


SUNDAY PRAYER TIME EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: You’re invited to Sunday morning Prayer Time from 8:30-8:55 am in the Elementary Room every Sunday! Come for a couple of minutes or stay longer. This is open to everyone! Pray aloud or silently. Contact Anne Romero if you have any questions at [email protected] or contact Darrell Foote at [email protected] or 805.660.3061.


STEPHEN MINISTRY: In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring. To find out more about how to receive a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card or go online to sign up. You can call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.


STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE AVAILABLE: In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring. To find out more about being trained as a Stephen Minister or to receive a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card and place it in the offering basket this Sunday or call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.


PRAYER TIME EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: You’re invited to Sunday morning Prayer Time from 8:30-9:00 am in the Youth Room every Sunday! Come for a couple of minutes or stay longer. This is open to everyone! Prayer cards with suggested topics will be available – you can pray aloud or silently. You can contact Anne Romero if you have any questions at anne2grace@gmail.

THE SOLOMON FOUNDATION INFORMATIONAL DINNER, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 6:30 PM: Held at West Valley Christian Church (see link below for directions), the purpose of the dinner is to give a detailed look at a ministry called The Solomon Foundation. They are known as a Church Extension Fund which provides funding for Christian Church and Church of Christ churches, as well as Christian universities throughout the US. In fact, Dave Hamilton was here a few weeks ago to talk about The Solomon Foundation but you may not have been able to get more information from him while he was here. This is an opportunity to find out everything you would like to know as well as a question and answer time.

Pastor’s Update, October 12, 2018


THE ANNUAL OXNARD CHURCHES SERVE DAY IS TOMORROW, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 9 AM TO NOON: Gold Coast is joining other churches in our area to serve the people of Oxnard through the love of Jesus!

The following are areas you can serve in during that 3-hour time period:

Neighborhood/Alley Cleanup, Beach Cleanup, Sack lunch distribution, Homeless Care Kit Distribution, Shelter Care Resources (Foster Kids Fest), Prayer Team (Levite Ministry), Structure Painting, Flower Distribution, Water Distribution, Beach Cleanup, Gabriel House Cleanup, Convalescent Home Visit, Coffee Outreach and Laundry Love.

As you can see, there’s a place for every Christ-follower to serve that day so please put it on your calendar and plan to take part in this important experience.

Last year’s first event of its kind proved to be a powerful experience and display of unity in the name of Jesus and this year’s event promises to be even greater!

Below you will find some general information regarding tomorrow from Pastor Darrell:


Meet at New Life Community Church, 1251 N Rice Ave, Oxnard


8:00 am – Bagels & Coffee (optional) in the outside patio area


8:45 am – The sanctuary will open for the worship & welcome (no drinks or food in the sanctuary)


9:00 am – Worship & Welcome (appx 20 minutes)


9:20 am – Meet those leading the various projects and get instructions/directions in the outside patio area


9:30 am – Head out to the various worksites


12 Noon (approximately) – Projects will conclude (some may end earlier)


Important information:


They are now expecting over 1000 volunteers, so things are going to be a little hectic, so please be patient and flexible!