Friday, February 22, 2019
DAY OF MOURNING, TOMORROW, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 11 AM TO NOON: A number of pastors and others from area churches are gathering to pray for and mourn on behalf of the unborn and those who have been affected by abortion. I invite you to join us that hour to pray. I am wearing black and refraining from commerce that day. It will take place at Oxnard State Beach Park, 1601 S. Harbor Blvd., Oxnard. We’ll meet on the grass near the entrance to the beach.
OFFRAMP AT DEL NORTE CLOSED THIS SUNDAY: The NORTHBOUND 101 offramp at Del Norte will be closed from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm this Sunday, February 24th. If you’re driving to Gold Coast on the 101 from Camarillo, get off at the Rice Avenue exit and double back on the 101. (The southbound offramp for Del Norte will be open.
THIS SUNDAY we wrap up our The Gospel According to Abraham series by looking at Genesis 22, unpacking the greatest test of Abraham’s faith in God. It’s been quite a journey through Abraham’s life and this Sunday will be no exception. Invite a friend to join you at Gold Coast this Sunday morning!
REMINDER- DISCOVERING SPIRITUAL MATURITY TAKES PLACE THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24 in the Youth Room, from 4 to 7 PM. If you signed up for it, this is your reminder! Contact Darrell Foote at [email protected] or 805.660.3061, if you have any questions.
EASTER WORSHIP CHOIR BEGINS THURSDAY, MARCH 7: Every Thursday night from 6:30-7:30 pm during the months of March and April, the Worship Choir will be meeting in the Youth Room. We’ll be exploring worship through the use of our voices and challenging ourselves to bring worship into the lives we live every day while preparing to sing for our Easter services. All are welcome. NO TRY OUTS! Sign up in the lobby this Sunday. Contact Rachel Sutherland at 805.218.2809 (text or call) for more information.
BOOK OF MARK STUDY STARTS THIS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28: What makes Christianity good news? Who is Jesus? What is his mission? How are we to respond to him and that mission? An 8-week study on the book of Mark begins on Thursday, February 28. Do you have a friend you want to introduce to Jesus? This study gives us a fresh look at the answers to these questions. This mixed (men and women) LIFE Group will be meeting from 10:00-11:30 am at Lillian Ruan’s home- 901 Paseo Brisas Lindas, Oxnard. Call Lillian at 805.988.1282 for the gate code. Contact Donna Beeson at [email protected], if you have any questions.
UNSINKABLE, 2019 LADIES LUNCHEON, Sterling Hills Country Club, Saturday, March 30th: 10 a.m to 2 p.m: Life is filled with all kinds of adventures. Rough waters, glassy seas, dark skies and dazzling sunrises. But even in the darkest moments– when it feels like we are drowning and might not survive–we can still find the HOPE that is an anchor for our souls. This is a hope that goes beyond circumstance, feeling, behavior, or strength; and one that carries us through any storm, making us truly unsinkable.