August 24, 2019
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHARON! I’m so thankful I get to do life with you! I appreciate the way you love Jesus, me, our family and all those God brings across your path. I love you!
TOMORROW we start a new ‘mini’ series, within our study through the Gospel of Matthew, as we look at the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. We’re calling it “The Upside-Down Kingdom” because what he describes as a blessed and happy life is the opposite of what the world would say it is. Tomorrow we’re going to drill down on the first one Jesus mentions- “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt. 5:3) I’m excited about what we’re going to learn together. I look forward to seeing you!
20TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, ONE WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:00 AM/LUNCH & FUN AT 11:30 AM: Complimentary food tickets will be available tomorrow at the table outside by the coffee & donuts. Get ready to celebrate with music, food, fun activities for the kids, and more! Sign up to help with children’s games, decorating, set up, and clean up at the table in the lobby tomorrow. You can also contact Emy Russell for set-up/clean-up at [email protected] or contact Dianna DeRemer with any questions at [email protected].
GOLD COAST T-SHIRT PAYMENTS: If you ordered a t-shirt and need to pay for it, please make sure you do so by September 6th for online or text payments. For check or cash payments, please pay by September 8th. Make check payments to Gold Coast Church and write “T-shirts” on the memo line. For text payments, text 77977 and choose Promos. T-shirts that have been ordered and paid for will be handed out on September 8th.
LIFE GROUPS START THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 8: The primary purpose of LIFE Groups is joining with other believers and doing life together in community. It’s where we connect and assist one another in our faith journey. If you are new to a LIFE Group or wish to change to a different LIFE Group, please go to the Welcome Desk in the lobby tomorrow for a current list of available groups or for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Darrell Foote at 805.660.3061 or [email protected].