Pastor’s Update, October 26, 2018



OUR MATTHEW 25 CHALLENGE CELEBRATION IS HAPPENING THIS SUNDAY!  What an amazing adventure this week has been! God’s been at work, using the daily challenges to grow our hearts for the “least of these.”


In our teaching time on Sunday, we’re going to look at Matthew 25:14-46, a parable Jesus tells about a wealthy man who entrusts three of his workers with resources to put to work for him. When he returns and inspects what they’ve done, he commends and rewards two of them for their faithful, conscientious service but dishes out harsh consequences for the third due to his laziness. In fact, as we’ll see, his words are shocking!


It’s going to be a powerful time of worship and being in the word of God. This is a great Sunday to invite someone to join you!


THE HIGHER GROUND HIKE TO PARADISE FALLS, WILDWOOD PARK, IS TOMORROW, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27: You’ll see sweeping grasslands, prominent ridges and peaks like Lizard Rock. The hike will take us up to Paradise Falls that plunges 40 feet into a large pool surrounded by beautiful landscape.


Distance: 2.8 miles Start Time: 8:30 am; Difficulty: Moderate; End Time: 11:30 am


Meet at Starbucks in Camarillo at the Las Posas Shopping Center. We’ll be leaving for Thousand Oaks by 8:45 am. Bring good hiking shoes, sunscreen, water and a camera for pictures!


Invite a friend or bring the family along to share the experience. A continental Breakfast will be provided after the hike along with snacks and drinks.


Contact: Margie Cantu at [email protected] or cell 805.660.1187.


RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, FROM 4:15-6:15 PM: Sign up online at or write “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card this Sunday. Contact Stuart Baker at [email protected] or 805.427.5528, if you have any questions.


WORSHIP CHOIR, THURSDAY NIGHTS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER: Every Thursday night from 6:30-7:30 pm during the months of November-December, the Worship Choir will be meeting in the youth room. We’ll be exploring worship through the use of our voices and challenging ourselves to bring worship into the lives we live every day while preparing to sing during the Christmas season. All are welcome. NO TRY OUTS! Info meeting is this Thursday, November 1. Sign up in the lobby this Sunday or go online to Gold Coast’s website. Contact Rachel Sutherland at 805.218.2809 (text or call) for more information.


STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE AVAILABLE: In difficult times, God’s love is especially precious to us, and it is very important to know someone who cares. Our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers who offer a ministry of Christian caring. To find out more about being trained as a Stephen Minister or to receive a Stephen Minister’s care, write “Stephen Ministry” on your Connection Card and place it in the offering basket this Sunday or call Art or Rose Flatray at 805.987.1428 for more information.


PRAYER TIME EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: You’re invited to Sunday morning Prayer Time from 8:30-9:00 am in the Youth Room every Sunday! Come for a couple of minutes or stay longer. This is open to everyone! Prayer cards with suggested topics will be available – you can pray aloud or silently. You can contact Anne Romero if you have any questions at anne2grace@gmail.


IT’S TIME TO FALL BACK! TIME CHANGE, NOVEMBER 4 (A WEEK FROM THIS SUNDAY): Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 4th. Make sure you put it on calendar now to turn your clocks BACK one hour before going to bed on the Saturday night, November 3.


THE SOLOMON FOUNDATION INFORMATIONAL DINNER, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 6:30 PM: Held at West Valley Christian Church directions, the purpose of the dinner is to give a detailed look at a ministry called The Solomon Foundation. They are known as a Church Extension Fund which provides funding for Christian Church and Church of Christ churches, as well as Christian universities throughout the US. In fact, Dave Hamilton was here a few weeks ago to talk about The Solomon Foundation but you may not have been able to get more information from him while he was here. This is an opportunity to find out everything you would like to know as well as a question and answer time.


If you would like to know more about them or how you can be a part of helping churches grow and reach people for Christ, please click on the link below and register to be at the dinner. There is no cost for the dinner so just bring your appetite as well as a friend to hear about all the great things they are doing to impact the Kingdom and how you can play a part as well. Please go to



Friday            October 26          Job 17; Acts 24-26

Saturday       October 27          Job 18; Ps 114; Acts 27-28

Sunday          October 28          Job 19; Mk 1-2

Monday         October29          Job. 20; Mk. 3, 4

Tuesday         October30         Job. 21; Mk. 5, 6

Wednesday   October 31         Job. 22; Mk. 7, 8

Thursday       November 1       Ps. 121; Mk. 9, 10

Friday             November 2      Job 23, 24; Mk. 11, 12

Saturday        November 3      Job 25; Mk. 13, 14

Sunday          November 4       Job 26, 27; Mk. 15, 16


Love you guys,
