08.07.22 A House Divided (Heroes and Zeros – Part 15)

A House Divided

(Heroes and Zeros – Part 15)

August 7, 2022

  1. Solomon ascends to the throne with trouble and is instructed by his father David: To rule God’s people you must be _____ __ ____ first.
  2. God uses a man of _______ to build the temple.  Solomon  _____ the Lord.
  3. The temple was built through __________. God’s ___________ comes.
  4. Solomon’s prayer requests: __________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, _________
  5. God’s response: __________, ___________, __________.
  6. Solomon’s love for God _________       due to his idols.  He violated his own great advice: ____ _____ ___ ___ ____ is the beginning of Wisdom.