05.10.20 WHEN JESUS CALLS YOU (King Jesus: The Gospel of Matthew- Part 12)


(King Jesus: The Gospel of Matthew- Part 12)

May 10, 2020


Matthew 9:9-13


MATTHEW: a Hebrew tax collector who worked for the Romans


“How did Jesus, the only perfect person in history, manage to attract the notoriously imperfect?” – Philip Yancey


How Jesus attracted those who were rejected by the religious establishment*:


  1. Jesus took the initiative
  2. Jesus was willing to interact on Matthew’s turf
  3. Jesus wasn’t repulsed by sin or sinners
  4. Jesus genuinely liked those that religious people loathed
  5. Jesus was always completely himself


THE PHARISEES: “separated ones”


WHO JESUS CALLS TO FOLLOW HIM: The spiritually sick, blind & lost

Matthew: sick and knows it.

Pharisees: sick but don’t think they are .

* Extreme Righteousness  by Tom Hovestol

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