(The Gospel According to Abraham- Part 7)
February 17, 2019 The Passage: Genesis 20 (Genesis 12:10-20)
Abraham’s Pet Sin: Lying
Lying is more than just not telling the truth;
It can be telling truth with the intent to deceive
The Necessity of the Gospel:
We are more sinful than we ever dared imagine
The Growth of Abraham’s “Pet”:
– Abraham tells half-truths to a couple of strangers
Genesis 12:10-20; 20:1-18
– Abraham’s son Isaac lies to his dad
Genesis 26:1-9
– Abraham’s grandson Jacob lies to his dad to steal his brother’s inheritance
Genesis 27:18-35
– Abraham’s great-grandsons lie to their dad to cover up selling their bro into slavery
Genesis 37:2-35
The Affirmation of the Gospel:
We are more loved than we ever dared hope
The Gospel changes the way we respond to…
… successes
… failures