Friday, May 10, 2019

THIS SUNDAY MORNING, we continue our message series, “The Gospel According to Joseph,” by looking at Genesis 40. You may want to read it in preparation. We will learn some things from Joseph about dealing with disappointment. Joseph’s discouragement was largely due to the long time he was waiting for God to deliver him from his situation. Centuries later, one of Joseph’s relatives, David, of whom it is said was a man after God’s own heart, also grew tired with waiting and cried out to God, “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?”  (Psalms 13:1) In fact, a total of forty-three times in the Old Testament alone, we are commanded to “Wait on the LORD.” What’s God’s plan for us when we find ourselves in his “waiting room”? We’re going to talk about that on Sunday. Don’t wait to invite others to join you!


WELCOME TO GOLD COAST, BRAULIO AND CHRISTINA! MEET OUR NEW TEAM MEMBERS: We introduced Braulio Terrazas and Christina Brower this past Sunday morning at both services and prayed for them. Braulio is our new Youth Pastor and Christina is our new Children’s Ministry Director.


Braulio shares the following: “I was born in Mexico City in 1992 and at that time I only lived with my mom, and two brothers. I was the middle child growing up in Mexico, while my dad was working in the U.S since 1985. In 2001, I immigrated to the United States with my family reuniting with my father. We lived in Lompoc, California for five months and then we moved south to Ventura. I have been living in Ventura for the past 18 years.


I have a Catholic background but I never felt connected to church or God. I simply didn’t know Him. I went to Ventura High School for four years. During this time, I made it my goal to be in law enforcement. After high school, I went to California State University Northridge while I was working security and pursuing a career in law enforcement. Yet, God was the last thing on my mind because by my early 20’s I was a self-proclaimed atheist.


Even though I was a self-ambitious and self-efficient atheistic person who just wanted to gain worldly success, like many people, there was still a big void in my heart. I felt lonely, anxious, fearful of the future and critical of people. But everything changed in November, 2014, when I was 23 years old.


I ran into Young Life, a missionary organization going into the world of teens. I went to their after-school program to help out little kids with homework. Little did I know, that this learning center was more than just a volunteer organization and I experienced something I’d never seen before. I was learning about who God really is through the Gospel stories in their ministry programs, through people of faith going where kids are at, and the volunteers sharing their faith with me. A combination of their good witness, their love for others, and the Gospel was starting to soften my heart. I still had questions but I was open to Jesus more than ever.


In December 2014, I was invited to attend a Young Life winter camp as a helper. My life changed completely that weekend when the message of the cross was shared. By the end of the message I was on my knees, sobbing. I did three things: I asked the Lord to forgive me for all the years I rejected Him, I thanked Him for all the things that happened in my life because they had brought me before Him, and I gave my life to Him, to live for Him and be in relationship with Him. You know when we say that the Holy Spirit will come upon us when we trust Jesus, well, that night, that’s what happened to me. Soon, I felt this peace, joy, love, and new life that I never felt before. I entered into a relationship with the living God. I did not want to pursue law enforcement anymore and started to volunteer for Young Life like crazy. Two years later, I came on staff by the grace of God and I am currently doing mission work with my family in Christ to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to teens. I want them to know what I know, hear what I heard, and embrace the greatest message and gift in the world: Jesus Christ in their lives.


I love Jesus because He is indeed alive and is my Savior. Please pray for me and know that I will be here for your children because I am fighting spiritually for the youth and I want you to be part of it.”


Christina wants to share the following: “ I am excited to get to share with you a little bit about myself. I am currently living in Oxnard, although I was born and raised in Ventura. I work part time for REI, a recreational outdoor equipment company, as an administrative lead and I have been with the company for 7 years. I also work part time with Young Life in Oxnard, a non-profit geared toward reaching disconnected youth for Christ. I am deeply passionate about reaching lost youth, most of whom would not step foot in a church if not befriended and invited.


I am most passionate about disconnected young people because that’s where my story started. I grew up in a single parent household where God was not taught or shared. Up until my junior year of high school I could count the number of church services I had been to, which were usually Easter and Christmas. 


My junior year I reconnected with a couple friends from my elementary school years and they invited me to youth group. At first church freaked me out and I wasn’t fully convinced of it but after a couple months of flakey attendance I was invited to a weekend youth encounter where I gave my life to Christ, that was in July of 2006. 


Since then I have spent the last decade growing in my relationship with Christ and learning to serve inside and outside the church. Growing up I remember being a lonely, hurting and broken kid and not knowing how change or where to go for hope. But Christ, now, is my hope and my mission is to share that message with other young people who are just like me.

Thank you for taking time to read a little bit about my story!”


Both Braulio and Christina love and follow Jesus, and love to share him with others so that others’ lives are changed as he has changed theirs


WOMEN’S SURVEY FOR ALL WOMEN: As we move further into 2019, we are looking for more ways to become connected with each other! We want to be women who encourage each other, laugh and pray together, and welcome the strangers in our midst to become friends! How can we do that? By spending more time together in a variety of situations. If you have not filled out the women’s survey yet, please take a few moments and let us hear from you. Go to Thank you! Contact Faith DeLuca at [email protected] or 805.827.3557, if you have any questions.


FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY, MONDAY, JUNE 3: Take control of your money with Financial Peace University (FPU)! This 10-lesson course will start at 7:00 pm and is taught by Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan and Rachel Cruze helps you work a plan to tackle a budget, pay off debt, and free yourself from money worries! You’ll join a small group for discussions and lessons—all rooted in biblical wisdom and common sense. FPU includes your member workbook and a free year of Financial Peace Membership, with online tools created to support your journey. Register at Contact Gary or Julie Myers at (805) 377-4530 or [email protected], if you have any questions.


MEN’S BREAKFAST, SATURDAY, MAY 18: Men, join us at 7:30 am for our first breakfast of the year. Plan on good food and good conversation as we discuss the most important attributes men need to survive in today’s modern world. (Note the new time). Scrambled eggs & tortillas, $5 donation, first time guests are free. Sign up at the table in the lobby on Sunday!


3RD SATURDAY SERVE DAY, SATURDAY, MAY 18: Here is your opportunity to do various service projects for seniors, disabled residents, and under-resourced families on the 3rd Saturday of most months. Projects are based on those who sign up. Serve May 18th from 9:30-3:30 pm. If you are interested in participating, go to the Welcome Desk and fill out a Serve Day form this Sunday. Contact Darrell Foote at 805.660.3061 or [email protected], if you have any questions.


ARROYO VERDE PARK HIKE, SATURDAY, JUNE 1 AT 8:30-11:00 AM: Come out and join us for a fun hike at Arroyo Verde Park. This is one of the nicest parks in Ventura County and it’s dog friendly! There’s beautiful wildflowers and views of Channel Islands on a clear day. Distance: 3 miles / Difficulty: Moderate – Some hills / Parking Fee: $2.00 on the weekends or you can park on Foothills Road and walk to the park. Everyone is welcome! Great opportunity to invite friends, neighbors, or family members. Please bring water, sunblock, hat, and camera! We’ll be serving a free continental breakfast after the hike. Hope to see you there! Isaiah 2:5- “Let us walk in the light of the Lord.” Questions? Margie or Rick Cantu 805.660.1187 or [email protected].


SAVE THE DATE: Gold Coast’s 20th Anniversary Celebration takes place on Sunday, September 15. Plan now to be there. It’s going to be extra special.



Friday                         May 10                 2 Sam 18; Ps 56; Mt 27

Saturday                    May 11                 2 Sam 19-20; Ps 55; Mt 28

Sunday                       May 12                 2 Sam 21-23; 1 Th 1

Monday                      May 13                 2 Sam 24; 1 Chr 21; Ps 30; 1 Th 2

Tuesday                      May 14                 1 Chr 22-24; 1 Th 3

Wednesday                May 15                 1 Chr 25-27; 1 Th 4

Thursday                    May 16                 1 Ki 1; 1 Chr 28; Ps 91; 1 Th 5

Friday                         May 17                 1 Ki 2; 1 Chr 29; Ps 95; 2 Th 1

Saturday                    May 18                 1 Ki 3; 2 Chr 1; Ps 78; 2 Th 2

Sunday                       May 19                 1 Ki 4-5; 2 Chr 2; Ps 101; 2 Th 3



