Good Friday, April 19, 2019

TONIGHT IS OUR GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE AT 7:00 PM: This hour-long service will focus on the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. There’s still time to invite others to join you using the digital postcard. To do so, just click on the following link: Text it, with a personal note, to those in your contacts!


THIS SUNDAY IS EASTER! We’re going to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the difference He makes in our lives! Text our digital postcard to family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors in your contacts to attend as well as post it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat: You may want to attend the 9:15 am service as the 10:45 am service is usually fuller. Coffee and donuts will be available.


ELEMENTARY CLASS OFFEREED AT BOTH SERVICES THIS SUNDAY: For Easter, we’ll be offering the elementary class at both the 9:15 and the 10:45 service times. The kids will take part in the beginning part of the worship service and then be dismissed after the worship time, as usual.


LIFE GROUPS START NEXT WEEK: The purpose of LIFE Groups is joining with other believers and doing life together in community. It’s where we connect and assist one another in our faith journey. If you would like to attend a LIFE Group and/or wish to change to a different LIFE Group, go to the Welcome Desk in the lobby on Sunday for a current list of available groups or for more information. If you have questions, contact Darrell Foote at [email protected] or 805.660.3061.


HIGHER GROUND HIKE, SATURDAY, APRIL 27: Higher Ground is hosting our first Spring hike at the Mt. McCoy trail in Simi Valley. Spring is here and the hills are alive again! This trail offers panoramic views in all directions, including the views of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the Channel Islands, Wood Ranch, and Old Boney Mountain. On the trail you’ll see multiple plant life, wildflowers, animal life and birds. A must see for nature lovers and kids! Difficulty: Easy to Moderate | Distance: 5 miles | Dogs allowed on leashes Meet at Starbucks in Camarillo at the Las Posas Shopping Center at 8:30 am and will leave as a group by 8:45 am. Good hiking shoes, sunscreen, water, and a camera for pictures are recommended. Invite a friend or bring family members to share the experience. A complimentary continental breakfast will be served after the hike. Contact Margie Cantu at 805.660.1187 or [email protected] with any questions.


NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 6 TO 7 PM: We will gather with other local churches to pray together as the body of Christ at the Oxnard Beach Park, 1601 S. Harbor Blvd., Oxnard. Mark your calendars now! (Paid parking is $1 per hour.)


RESCUE MISSION OUTREACH, SATURDAY, MAY 4: Oxnard outreach is from 4:15-6:15 pm. To sign up, write “Rescue Mission” on your Connection Card this Sunday or go online to our website under the Get Connected tab. Contact Stuart Baker at [email protected] or 805.427.5528, if you have any questions.


PRAYER FOR MISSIONS, SUNDAY, MAY 5: On the first Sunday of each month, please gather in the Worship Center after the 2nd service to pray for the missions and missionaries that Gold Coast supports. For more information, contact Mike or Lynne Yeaman at [email protected] or 805.331.3899.


SAVE THE DATE FOR THE MEN’S BREAKFAST, SATURDAY, MAY 18: Men, join us at 7:30 am for our first breakfast of the year. Plan on good food and good conversation as we discuss the most important attributes men need to survive in today’s modern world. (Note the new time).



Friday                         April 19                 1 Sam 22; Ps 17, 35; Mt 6

Saturday                    April 20                 1 Sam 23; Ps 31, 54; Mt 7

Sunday                      April 21                 1 Sam 24; Ps 57-58; 1 Chr 8; Mt 8

Monday                     April 22                 1 Sam 25-26; Ps 63; Mt 9

Tuesday                    April 23                 1 Sam 27; Ps 141; 1 Chr; Mt 10

Wednesday              April 24                 1 Sam 28-29; Ps 109; Mt 11

Thursday                   April 25                 1 Sam 30-31; 1 Chr 10; Mt 12

Friday                         April 26                 2 Sam 1; Ps 140; Mt 13

Saturday                    April 27                 2 Sam 2; 1 Chr 11; Ps 142; Mt 14

Sunday                      April 28                 2 Sam 3; 1 Chr 12; Mt 15


I hope to see you tonight at 7 PM in preparation for Sunday, Resurrection Day!


Because He’s risen,
